Note: This page is an old page and reflects the status of 2004. To get the whole picture refer to the Home Page of A++.

A++ -- An Educational Programming Language:

(presented at the International Book Fair at Frankfurt, Germany, Oct. 6th-10th).
Author:Georg P. Loczewski
Title:A++ -
Subtitle:The Smallest Programming Language in the World
Edition:1st, 2005
Number of pages:256
Price:29.95 EUR
Date:October 4th, 2004      
Publisher:S.Toeche-Mittler Verlag, Darmstadt, Germany
The original edition is no more available! The data of the currently available edition are as follows:
Number of pages:292
Price (Paperback):29,95 EUR
Size:14,8 cm x 21,0 cm
Publisher:tredition-Verlag, Hamburg, Germany
More details on the new edition!


A++ has been developed in 2002 in the context of 'Programmierung pur' [Undiluted Programming] (ISBN 3-87820-108-7) with the purpose to serve as a learning instrument rather than as a programming language used to solve practical problems. A++ is supposed to be an efficient tool to become familiar with the core of programming and with programming patterns that can be applied in other languages needed to face the real world.

Programming in A++ students learn

This book does not only introduce A++ as a language but also covers its implementation in Perl and C including an introduction to these languages using A++ itself.

External Links:

Table of Contents (old version):

Table of Contents (new version!):

Official A++ Web-Site:

World Wide Orders:

The the book can be ordered here!

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